Why Companies Bypass Maturity of Safety Culture to Business Growth?


  • Professor of Psychology (Retd.), SNDT Women’s University, Director - Forum of Behavioural Safety, Mumbai – 400049, Maharashtra




Business, Company, Culture, Maturity, Safety


Industries are fast increasing in numbers, so are the risks, fires, fatalities, incidents and accidents. Organizational safety is to be treated more than its celebration and certification. Organizational Safety is a function of the company cultures, board member’s behaviors, their maturity about people’s safety, their decision making dynamics and certain existing cost and business pressures. Studies revealed that Top management lack maturity of Safety, that’s the prime reason that they are not willing to support safety culture Transformation. There is a need to educate top management on safety culture and its connection with business. There are certain Stages of maturity in company safety culture: initial, middle and advanced. The training and implementation intervention would depend upon the stages of these safety cultures. The results and implications are reflected in view of stages of safety culture maturity levels. It is found that the mature safety culture is an elevation of the positive connections and collaborations across an organization. 252 industry professionals participated in this qualitative study to share their field insights. What happens daily at sites as part of the company safety planned intervention, indicate the measures of work culture maturity like, the daily mass-communications and reverse TBT at every work area and the daily observations for spot-correction of at-risk behaviours by everyone as part of their KRA. 


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How to Cite

Lal, H. (2022). Why Companies Bypass Maturity of Safety Culture to Business Growth?. ANVESHAK-International Journal of Management, 11(2), 78–103. https://doi.org/10.15410/aijm/2022/v11i2/171518





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