Effect of Internal Branding Strategies on Employee Brand Commitment in the Service Sectors


  • Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, International School of Business and Media, Pune – 412115, Maharashtra




Employee Brand Commitment, Internal Branding, Service Sectors


This paper studies various internal branding strategies in the services sector and their effect on employee brand commitment. The study reviews the literature on internal branding and employee brand commitment. The paper goes on to analyse various internal branding strategies. Internal branding strategies include internal communication, exposure to customer and market-related information, work environment, leadership practices, internalisation of brand values and brand training. An exhaustive study from various research databases was made. Various strategies analysed are outlined in the paper. Minimal biased methods were used for acquiring literature for the paper. Several databases in the fields of internal communication, training and branding were used to acquire literature on the topic. Methods for conducting future research in internal branding are provided. The paper’s findings throw light on various types of internal branding strategies and their effect on employee brand commitment. This paper confirms the reliability of various constructs which are used for model formation. Conclusions from the literature are drawn that state that internal branding strategies are used in companies which affect employee brand commitment. The paper ends with recommendations for future research on how a change can be brought in employee brand commitment with internal branding and internal brand communication.


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How to Cite

Pantvaidya, K. G. (2024). Effect of Internal Branding Strategies on Employee Brand Commitment in the Service Sectors. ANVESHAK-International Journal of Management, 13(2), 89–101. https://doi.org/10.15410/aijm/2024/v13i2/173217





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